Psychic Medium • Intuitive Healer

Savina shares weekly insights into her experiences and thoughts as a Psychic Medium on her blog, “Body, Mind & Spirits.”


Savina is a lifelong natural Psychic Medium who is clairaudient, clairsentient and clairvoyant.  She is also a Medical Intuitive and an Animal Communicator.

She works closely with her guides to provide clients with information that is both clear and accurate. Savina has been a professional psychic medium for over 22 years, as well as teaching classes on developing and strengthening psychic and mediumship abilities. She was a regular guest on Los Angeles radio station KBIG 104.3’s nightly show “Radio Medium” and she has appeared on television and numerous radio shows as a guest.

Her abilities were nurtured by a grandmother who shared both her gifts and her passion for helping others. At the age of 3, Savina had her first experience communicating with the other side and, through spiritual practice, she has been working to strengthen and best use her gifts in the years since.


While Savina’s passion is in helping others to communicate with loved ones who have crossed over in her medium readings, she also enjoys aiding those who need guidance along life’s path.

Utilizing the aid of her guides in every reading, Savina’s psychic readings focus on romantic/family and other relationship issues, life’s path, medical issues, healing grief, and animal communication & pet readings. Her goal is to help those she encounters to heal and grow, and, with that goal always in mind, her readings encompass not only answering questions, but also finding solutions and making the positive changes necessary to achieve joy and peace.

While she gives clear insight into obstacles and problems, she approaches each issue with a belief that, with a strong desire coupled with a focused will, all things may be overcome.

Meet our Team


We’re a family-run office and these are the people who make sure your experience with us runs smoothly.


Office Manager

Warren is our Office Manager extraordinaire, our resident furkid wrangler and Savina’s biggest cheerleader in life. Our team wouldn’t be a team without him.

Obee Nibbleton

The Big Boss

Whether it’s making sure our clients are well looked after or just ensuring that no one (but him) eats Savina’s macaroni & cheese lunch, Obee Nibbleton is the man in charge.

Archer McBarkington

Office Assistant/Bouncer

He may be fluffy and prone to sleeping on the job, but when he’s awake, no one gets out of line when Mr. McBarkington’s around.

Bodhi Kitten

Cushion Tester

Bodhi has one job in our office: to ensure that all cushions the staff uses are comfortable before they sit in them. We appreciate his efforts greatly, even if it means that we never actually get to sit on the cushions.

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    Read a few of the things Savina’s clients say below. To view more testimonials, visit the Testimonials page.

    Best Psychic Mediums

    Also serving Lomita, Psychic Medium Savina Thompson offers psychic readings to southern california residents, as well as offering psychic phone readings to clients throughout the world. If you’re looking for a Harbor City psychic, a psychic in Redondo Beach or psychic mediums los angeles, Psychic Medium Savina Thompson offers strong validations with a compassionate delivery. Hermosa Beach psychic readings, Manhattan Beach tarot, psychic Manhattan Beach are also included in her areas.