Please Note: Savina does not currently offer blended readings; you must decide whether you’d like the reading to be a Medium reading, a Psychic reading or one of the other types of readings she offers.
Occasionally loved ones will come through, even during a psychic reading, for a brief “hello,” which Savina will communicate to you, but this doesn’t always happen, so if you’re hoping to speak with a loved one who’s passed, it’s best to schedule a Medium reading.

Psychic Reading
• Do you have questions about a situation in your life?• Do you want to know how others think/feel about a situation?
• Do you want to know the path you’re currently on, where your choices are leading you right now and how to change it?

Medium Reading
• Do you want to hear from/communicate with someone who has passed away (including animal companions)?• Do you have unanswered questions about the afterlife?
• Are you having difficulty processing through grief?

Body Scan
• Do you have concerns about your health (or the health of someone you know, including an animal friend)?• Do you experience symptoms but have been unable to pin down a cause?
• Are you curious about issues you’re predisposed to?
*Note: This reading does not replace talking with your physician.

Strategy Reading
• Do you have an upcoming event, meeting, communication or other situation that’s critical to get right the first time?• Are you dealing with a difficult personality at your workplace or other location you frequent that’s causing you stress and you’d like to learn how to best handle the situation, based on the other person’s true intentions and emotions?
• Do you need to know how to address a seemingly insurmountable issue quickly?

Life Path Reading
• Are you confused about your direction in life?• Have you lost motivation to live your current life choices?
• Do you want to know the challenges you came into this life with and how to master them to move past blocks and achieve goals?

Animal Communication
• Do you want to communicate with a living animal (of any species) who you know?• Do you want to find out how to help an aging, fearful or health-challenged animal to feel more safe and comfortable?
• Do you want to develop a deeper understanding of your animal companion and his/her health and emotional challenges so as to strengthen your bond and provide a happier living situation?

Crime Reading/Missing Person
• Are you a police officer, private detective or family member of a crime victim looking for specific answers?• Are you looking for a missing person or a perpetrator of a crime against a family member?
• Are you looking for answers in a cold case?
* Note: These readings are pro bono for law enforcement, private detectives and family members of crime victims only. These readings are not for individuals researching crimes.