It’s been a long time since I’ve shared any of my personal experiences as a Medium and I regularly have clients ask me about them, so I thought that I would dig in and start sharing the interesting encounters I’ve had over the years here on my blog again. Normally, I share my positive experiences, because frankly, 99% of my experiences have been positive. But this time, I thought I’d share one of the more startling things that’s happened to me, for a change.
I’ll begin by mentioning that I come from a family of people who all have unique abilities – one of my older sisters is a fellow Medium, as were my mom and grandmother, the latter of whom was unbelievably gifted. So the conversations in our house were probably a little different than the average household growing up, lol. I grew up talking about my grammy’s amazing experiences and sharing my own & I was so incredibly blessed to have her in my life to reassure me that my experiences were healthy and that the people contacting me weren’t trying to scare or hurt me. Unfortunately, not everyone in my life was so supportive and as a result, I was sometimes frightened by my encounters (fortunately those experiences were in the minority, though).
One such incident immediately comes to mind. It’s one of the few incidents that I can remember leaving me feeling truly afraid. I was 7 years old and my family lived on a small street called Molly St. in a small town. My sister and I both had many experiences in that house, with literally a dozen or so spirits; they would regularly visit me, tell me stories about their lives and keep me company, since I was very lonely at that time (something I’ll share more about in another blog post). I shared a room with one of my older sisters and, for several nights in a row, I had woken the both of us up at 3am, screaming bloody murder. I wasn’t one to have nightmares that woke me up as a kid, so my sister was shocked and confused. When she asked me what I was dreaming about, it was always the same thing: a black, shadowy being was chasing me throughout our house.

On the 4th night, instead of waking up screaming, I woke up abruptly, sitting straight up. Once I got my bearings a bit, I laid in bed for a few minutes, listening to the sounds in the house. I heard my mom and stepdad having a party in our living room (something they did rarely), so I decided to go out and ask if I could have a glass of water. My sister’s and my bedroom was at the end of a long hallway, right next to my parents’ bedroom and at the opposite end of the hallway was the living room. As I peered out my bedroom door, I could see that the light was on in the living room and the voices were louder, so I got brave, slowly put on my socks, grabbed my favorite puppy dog stuffed animal and walked down the dark hallway. I hated that hallway because it was so long and dark and the only way to turn the hall light on was to walk to the end by the living room. That wasn’t much help to me even when I reached the end of the hall though, because the hall light switch was set higher than a modern day light switch, so it was too high for me to reach.
It seemed to take an extra long time to walk the dark hallway, but I was comforted by the fact that I could see the living room light on, which slightly illuminated the hall, and I could hear a lot of people talking in the living room, so I knew I’d see my mom in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately for me, that’s not what happened.
As I rounded the wall that separated the hallway from the living room, fully expecting to see a crowd gathered and chatting, the light instantly shut off and the talking completely stopped; there was no one in the living room. I looked around in the dark, then froze, terrified. Not only was I faced with a dark, empty living room, when just seconds before, I could see the light on and I could clearly hear a group of people chatting away, but I also had to walk back up the hallway, which was now pitch black, since the living room light was no longer on. I honestly don’t even know how I made it back to my bedroom, because I just wanted to curl up into a ball and hide in a corner. I was literally shivering as I flattened myself against the wall, sliding against it all the way down to my bedroom. The situation was bad enough – I didn’t want to think of someone or something coming up behind me, especially since all I could think of in that moment were the terrifying dreams I’d been having of a smoky black entity chasing me through our house.
Nevertheless, I obviously made it back to my room, but I have to admit that that experience was incredibly traumatic. I stayed awake for the rest of the night, curled up in my bed. I had tried to wake my sister up when I got back into our bedroom, but she was too deeply asleep and wouldn’t wake.

As I said, I don’t normally share stories like this because, thankfully, I haven’t had a lot of truly frightening experiences – just this one and one other, which I’ve shared before. Most scary experiences with people on the other side are really just a matter of being startled, but this one was different. I’m not sure why I had that terrifying experience, but knowing what I know now, my guess is that it was more likely that I had just tuned in to something that had happened in the house before and it wasn’t anyone actually trying to frighten me. Nevertheless, it’s a type of experience I hope to never encounter again!